Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Foxconn factory

I feel so bad for the workers for apple in china. I was reading about the factory, ind it looked like a disaster. They had their workers working for 50 hour nonstop shifts. The wages were 50 cents a hour. It's like a old factory in Lowell. I was reading that in 2010,the conditions were so terrible, that 32 employees attempted suicide with 14 of them succeeding. I like apple's products in all but if they treat their enployees like this, I am not up for their stuff. They also have about two people die each week because of poor health conditions. I looked up the factory on google images and saw photos of miserable people. There was also a few photos of protest movements. There was a photo of workers holding posters of iPads with skulls on it.


  1. Terrible, isn't it? Let's hope that Apple didn't already know about it, and that they will do something about it now that they do - or you won't be the only one leaving their products behind!

  2. that sounds horrible! I will never buy another app ever again!
