Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super bowl

What was your favorite super bowl commercial? Therenwere a lot of good ones but my favorite one was when the guy is bying a car and then his face comes up behind him and starts singing "baby lets get that car, baby lets get that car, let's get those keys..." the guy says : oh, that's just my confidence. It's been showing up ever since I started looking on cars.com. Let me guess yours ... It's probably the M&M one where the guy starts dancing to sexy and I know it. Maybe it was the Doritos one were the baby gets slingshoted at the kid. It casts like 3.5 million dollars to have 20 seconds. Oh and did you guys hear about the hole thing about the greece on the pats gloves? I think it's true because they missed all the catches. If it wasn't for that stupid thing, we would of won. One more thing. Did you or any other family member curse at the TV?


  1. I did curse a little!
    I liked the dog getting Budweiser for everyone!

  2. I liked the one where someone wasn't working, and then these people were doing weird things...
